Papaya Calories Per 100g | Best Papaya Nutrition Facts






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Papaya Calories Per 100g | Papaya Nutrition Facts

Papaya calories per 100g: Papaya, also known as Papaya in some areas, is a tropical fruit known for its bright colors, sweet taste & many health benefits. When it comes to understanding the nutritional value of this fruit, an important aspect that often comes to mind is its calorie content. Let’s take in details per 100 grams of papaya calories and find out the rich nutrition profile of this fruit.

Papaya is a delicious tropical fruit, which is very much preferred not only for its sweet taste and bright color but also for its nutritional benefits. An important aspect to consider when incorporating papaya into your diet is its calorie content. Let’s dive into the calorie details in papaya and understand how it fits into a healthy eating plan.

Papaya Calories Per 100G: Enjoy the low-calorie

Papaya is a great option for those who are looking for low-calorie, nutrient-rich food alternatives. Per 100 grams of fresh papaya contains about 43 calories. It makes it an excellent fruit for weight management and is an ideal addition to any balanced diet.

Must read: Low Calorie Food For Diet 

Nutritional facts in Papaya

Beyond its low-calorie count, papaya is filled with essential nutrients that contribute to overall health. Here is the main nutritional facts describing the papaya per 100 grams:

Carbohydrate: 11 grams, mainly from natural sugars, which provides quick energy boost.

Protein: 0.5 g, contributes to muscle repair and growth.

Fiber: 1.7 grams, helps digestion & promotes healthy intestine.

Vitamin C: Of recommended daily allowance (RDA), promotes immune system & improves skin health.

Vitamin A: 19% of RDA, is required for vision and skin health.

Folate (vitamin B9): 7% of RDA, is important for cell partition and proper functioning of the brain.

Potassium: 5% of RDA, maintain heart health and proper blood pressure levels.

Magnesium:3% of RDA, include more than 300 biochemical reactions in the body.

Papaya Calories Per 100g | Best Papaya Nutrition Facts
Papaya Calories Per 100g | Best Papaya Nutrition Facts

Papaya nutrition facts

In addition to the above nutrients, papaya or papaya have a number of other beneficial compounds:

Antioxidants:Papaya is rich in antioxidants like beta-carotene, flavonoids and other phytonutrients that help fight oxidative stress and reduce risk of chronic diseases.

Enzyme: fruit contains papan, an enzyme that helps digestion by breaking protein. This enzyme is also known for its anti-inflammatory properties.

Water content: Papaya contains water content (about 88%), which helps keep you hydrated and support overall health.

Health Benefits of papaya

The comprehensive nutrition profile of papaya is transformed into several health benefits:

1. Promotes immunity: High volume of vitamin C strengthens the immune system & helps the body fight infections.

2. Improves digestion: Dietary fiber and enzymes in papaya increase digestive health & prevent constipation.

3. Supports heart health: Potassium and antioxidants in papaya help control blood pressure and reduce heart disease risk.

4. Promotes skin health: Contribute to healthy, luminous skin by supporting vitamins A and C collagen production in papaya and avoiding sun damage.

5. Increases digestion health: Improve diet fiber and enzymes digestion in papaya, prevent constipation and promote healthy intestine.

6. Helps Weight Management: Low calories and high fiber content makes papayas a filling, nutritious option for those who want to manage their weight.

Include papaya in your diet

Given its low-calorie content and rich nutrition profile, it’s both delicious and beneficial to include papaya in your diet. Eat it fresh as breakfast, mix it in smoothie, or include salads and salsa for the tropical twist.

Nutritional facts in papaya: Knowing the health benefits of this tropical gemstone

Papaya, with its bright orange pulp and sweet taste, is not only a delightful tropical fruit, but also a powerhouse of nutrition. Understanding the nutritional facts in papaya can help you understand why this fruit is entitled to get a regular place in your diet. Let’s consider the nutritional profile of papaya deeply and find out how many health benefits it offers.

Wide nutrition profile of papay

Papaya is low in calories, yet rich in essential nutrients. Here is a detailed look at nutritional facts per 100 grams of papay:

Calories: About 43 calories, which makes it a low-calorie food suitable for weight management.

Carbohydrate: 11 g, mainly from natural sugars, provides a quick source of energy.

Protein: 0.5 g, is required for muscle repair and development.

Fiber: 1.7 grams, helps in digestion and promotes healthy digestive system.

Fat: 0.3 g, with negligible amount of saturated fat.

Vitamins and minerals in papaya

Papaya is a rich source of several important vitamins and minerals that contribute to overall health:

Vitamin C: A single dose of papaya provides 62% of the recommended daily allowance (RDA). Vitamin C is important for promoting immune system, improving skin health and functioning as a powerful antioxidant.

Vitamin A: Papaya contains 19% of the Vitamin A’s RDA, which is essential to maintain good vision, skin health and proper immune function.

Folate (vitamin B9): With 7% of RDA, the folate is important for cell partition and proper brain function.

Potassium: Papaya provides 5% of potassium’s RDA, which is important to maintain heart health, muscle function and healthy blood pressure levels.

Magnesium: Providing 3% of RDA, magnesium joins in the body with more than 300 biochemical reactions, including muscle and nervous function, blood sugar control and bones health.

Additional beneficial compound

Beyond the original vitamins and minerals, papaya also contains several other health-promote compounds:

Antioxidants: is rich in antioxidants like papaya-carotene, flavonoids and other phytonutrients that help protect cells from oxidative stress and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

Enzyme: Papaya contains papaya, an enzyme that helps digestion by breaking protein. This enzyme also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Enzyme: Papaya contains papaya, an enzyme that helps digestion by breaking protein. This enzyme also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Water content: With about 88% water content, the papaya helps keep you hydrated and supports overall health.

Papaya Calories Per 100g | Best Papaya Nutrition Facts
Papaya Calories Per 100g | Best Papaya Nutrition Facts

How to enjoy papaya

The papaya is versatile and can be eaten in a variety of ways. Eat it fresh as breakfast, mix it in smoothie, mix it into fruit salads, or taste the tropical by including it in delicious recipes like salad.

Nutritional facts present in papaya explains why this tropical fruit is important in a balanced diet. Its low calorie volume, vitamins, minerals and other beneficial compounds, makes papaya a delicious and nutritious alternative. Adopt the health benefits of papaya and make it a regular part of your diet to enjoy its numerous benefits.

Conclusion on Papaya calories per 100g | Nutrition facts in papaya

Understanding the nutritional facts in 100 grams of papaya and papaya highlights why this fruit is a powerhouse of nutrition. In association with its low-calorie volume, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, makes papaya an excellent choice to maintain a healthy and balanced diet. So the next time you’re looking for nutritious and delicious food, don’t forget to take the papaya and enjoy its numerous health benefits.

You can also read: Best Fruit For Weight Loss

1. How many calories does 100 grams of papaya have?

Answer: 100 grams of papaya contains about 43 calories. This makes it a low-calorie fruit that is suitable for those who want to control their weight while enjoying nutritious breakfast.

2. Is the papaya calories beneficial for weight loss?

Answer: Yes, the calorie of papaya is beneficial for weight loss because it contains about 43 calories per 100 grams. High fiber content also helps you feel filled, reducing total calorie intake.

3. What are the main nutrition facts in papaya?

Answer: The main nutrition facts in papaya include 11 grams of carbohydrate, 0.5 grams of protein, 1.7 grams of fiber and 0.3 grams of fat per 100 grams. Additionally, papaya is rich in vitamins like vitamin C and vitamin A as well as minerals like potassium and magnesium.

4. How is the nutritional content of the papaya compared to other fruits?

Answer: Papaya is lower in calories than many other fruits, with only 43 calories per 100 grams. It is also rich in vitamin C and vitamin A, which provides significant health benefits including immune support and better skin health.

6. What are the low-calorie health benefits in papaya?

Answer: Low calories in papaya, together with its rich nutrient profile, contributes to many health benefits such as weight management, better digestion, increased immunity and better skin health.

7. Can papaya support athletic performance?

Answer: Papaya calories provide quick energy due to its natural sugars, its high vitamin C content also helps to reduce oxidative stress from exercise, which potentially helps in rapid recovery for athletes.

8. How can I incorporate papaya in my diet so that I can benefit from its low calorie content?

Answer: You can enjoy papaya in a variety of ways: eat it fresh as breakfast, mix it in smoothie, mix it in fruit salads, or include it in delicious recipes like Salsa. This allows you to enjoy its sweet taste, taking advantage of its low-calorie content and plenty of nutrients.

9. Are papaya any other nutritional benefits other than low calories?

Answer: Yes, papaya is rich in enzymes like diet fiber, beta-carotene such as antioxidants and popans that assist in digestion. These additional nutrients contribute to overall health and stability.

10. How does the fiber ingredients supplement its low calories in papaya?

Answer: The amount of fiber in papaya, which is 1.7 grams per 100 grams, helps to realise the stomach fullness and keeps the digestive healthy. It completes its low-calorie content, making it an ideal fruit for weight management and digestive can get a better understanding of the many health benefits of this tropical fruit. Whether you call it papaya or Po Po, nutritional facts remain beneficial for impressive and balanced diet.

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