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Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

Broccoli Nutrition facts 100g: Broccoli, with its vibrant green & crisp texture, is not only a versatile vegetable but also a powerhouse of nutrition. Pleasant with essential vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, broccoli stacks provide a lot of health benefits that make it a valuable extra for any diet. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore broccoli’s nutrient (broccoli nutrition 100g) content, including its calorie count (calories in raw broccoli), and highlight the health benefits of this crossed vegetable.

Broccoli is a versatile and nutritious vegetable that has become a staple in many diets around the world. Known for its numerous health benefits and rich nutrient profile, broccoli is a vegetable that deserves attention. This article delves into the detailed nutrition data of broccoli, offering insights into what 100g of broccoli looks like, its raw and cooked nutritional facts, and the caloric and protein content found in this green vegetable.

Raw broccoli provides a wealth of nutrients. In 100 grams of raw broccoli, you get approximately 34 calories. It contains about 2.8 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat, and 6.6 grams of carbohydrates, including 2.6 grams of dietary fiber.

Here is the description of its nutritional composition per 100 grams:

Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli
Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

When cooked, the nutritional profile of broccoli changes slightly. Cooked broccoli has around 35 calories per 100 grams. It offers 2.4 grams of protein, 0.4 grams of fat, and 7.2 grams of carbohydrates, including 3.3 grams of dietary fiber.

When cooked, broccoli’s nutrients make a little change. Here’s what you can expect from 100 grams of cooked broccoli:

Cooked broccoli enhances certain nutrients, such as vitamin-A & vitamin-K, while slightly reducing its vitamin-C content. The dietary fiber content increases, which can further aid in digestive health. Overall, cooked broccoli remains highly nutritious & beneficial for good health.

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Broccoli, with its vibrant green florets and crisp texture, is not only a culinary delight but also a nutritional powerhouse packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Often hailed as one of the healthiest vegetables, broccoli offers a wide array of benefits that contribute to overall health and well-being. Let’s explore the remarkable benefits of this versatile vegetable and discover why it deserves a prime spot on your plate.

1. Rich Source of Nutrients:

Broccoli is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin A, folate, and potassium. It also contains trace minerals such as calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus, making it a nutrient-dense addition to any diet.

2. Rich Powerful Antioxidant Properties:

Loaded with antioxidants like sulforaphane, glucoraphanin, and kaempferol, broccoli helps combat oxidative stress, reduce inflammation, and protect against chronic diseases such as cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.

3. Supports Heart Health:

The combination of fiber, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory compounds in broccoli supports heart health by lowering cholesterol levels, reducing blood pressure, and promoting healthy blood vessel function, thereby reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

4. Boosts Immune Function:

With its high vitamin C content and immune-boosting properties, broccoli helps strengthen the immune system, ward off infections, and protect the body against pathogens and viruses. Regular consumption of broccoli can help keep you healthy and resilient year-round.

5. Promotes Digestive Health:

Broccoli is an excellent source of dietary fiber, which aids digestion, promotes regularity, and supports a healthy gut microbiome. Fiber-rich foods like broccoli also help prevent constipation, reduce the risk of colon cancer, and improve overall digestive health.

6. Supports Bone Health:

Broccoli is rich in vitamin K and calcium, two essential nutrients for maintaining strong and healthy bones. Vitamin K plays a crucial role in bone metabolism and helps prevent osteoporosis, while calcium contributes to bone density and strength.

7. Aids in Weight Management:

Low in calories and high in fiber, broccoli is a perfect addition to weight loss and management diets. Its high fiber content promotes satiety, reduces hunger cravings, and helps control calorie intake, making it easier to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Broccoli is a nutrient-rich vegetable, meaning it provides nutrients in a high amount of nutrients value to its calorie content. Including broccoli in your diet can help promote vitamins, minerals & antioxidants’ intake, which helps in overall health & wellness.

Raw broccoli has a relatively low calorie content, making it an excellent option for people who want to control their weight or reduce their calorie intake. With its high fiber content & low calorie density, Broccoli can help you feel full and satisfied while providing you with the necessary nutrients.

Broccoli is a versatile vegetable which can be enjoyed in many types of recipes. Some popular ways of incorporating broccoli into your diet are as follows:

Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli
Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

Raw Broccoli Nutrition Facts 100g

Raw broccoli is slightly lower in calories compared to its cooked counterpart. A 100g serving of raw broccoli has about 34 calories. This minor difference is due to the slight loss of water and the concentration of nutrients during the cooking process.

Raw broccoli is packed with essential nutrients:

100g Cooked Broccoli Nutrition Facts

The caloric content of broccoli remains relatively low, even when cooked. A 100g serving of cooked broccoli contains approximately 35 calories. This makes it an excellent choice for those looking to maintain or lose weight while ensuring they get a good dose of essential nutrients.

Cooking broccoli can slightly alter its nutritional content. Here are the cooked broccoli nutrition facts for 100 grams:

Boiled Broccoli Calories 100g

Boiling broccoli is a common cooking method that slightly alters its nutritional profile. A 100g serving of boiled broccoli contains approximately 35 calories. Boiling broccoli can cause some loss of water-soluble vitamins like vitamin C, but it still remains a nutritious option.

Boiling broccoli retains most of its nutrients while slightly increasing its calorie count:

Detailed Nutritional Benefits

Protein Content

Understanding how much protein in 100g broccoli helps in meal planning:

Caloric Content

Knowing the calories in 100 grams broccoli assists in maintaining a balanced diet:

Fiber Content

The fiber in 100 grams broccoli aids digestion and supports overall health:

Summary of Nutritional Data

100 Grams Broccoli Protein

Broccoli is not only a good source of vitamins and minerals but also provides a decent amount of protein for a vegetable. A 100g serving of raw broccoli contains about 2.8g of protein, while cooked broccoli offers around 2.4g. Although not a complete protein source, broccoli can contribute to your daily protein intake, especially when combined with other protein-rich foods.

Conclusion on broccoli nutrition 100g | calories in raw broccoli:

Conclusively, broccoli is not only delicious but also incredibly nutritious. Whether eaten or cooking, broccoli provides a wide range of health benefits, including supporting immune function to promoting heart health. By including broccoli in your regular diet, you can nutrition your body with essential nutrients and enjoy many of its benefits.

By understanding the broccoli 100g nutrition facts, you can make informed choices about how to include this vegetable in your meals. With its numerous health benefits & culinary versatility, broccoli is a valuable addition to any diet.

Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli
Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Accurate Calories In Raw Broccoli

FAQ for Broccoli Nutrition 100g | Calories in raw broccoli

Q: What are the benefits of broccoli nutrition facts 100g?

Answer: Broccoli is rich in essential nutrients, including vitamin C, K, and A, as well as folate, fiber and antioxidants. 100 grams of raw broccoli provides approximately 2.8 grams of protein, 6 grams of carbohydrates, 2.6 grams of fiber, and 0.4 grams of fat as well as many types of vitamins and minerals.

Q: How many calories in raw broccoli in 100 grams?

Answer: 100 grams of raw broccoli usually contains approximately 34 calories. Despite the low-calorie volume, broccoli is rich in nutrients, making it an excellent choice for those who maintain a healthy diet and manage their calorie intake.

Q: Is broccoli a good source of protein?

Answer: While broccoli isn’t an important source of protein than animal-based foods, it contains medium amounts of protein, which makes it a valuable extra for vegetarian and vegetarian diet. 100 grams of raw broccoli usually provides approximately 2.8 grams of protein.

Q: What effect does cooking have on the nutritional content of broccoli?

Answer: Cooking broccoli can change its nutritional profile to some extent. While cooking broccoli in steam or light cooking can help maintain its nutrients, boiling or cooking more can cause some loss of vitamins and minerals. However, regardless of the cooking method, broccoli remains a highly nutritious vegetable.

Q: Does broccoli have carbohydrate quantity higher?

Answer: Carbohydrate in broccoli is relatively lower than starchy vegetables like potato or corn. 100 grams of raw broccoli usually contains approximately 6 grams of carbohydrate, an important part of it comes from fiber, which is beneficial for digestive health.

Q: Can broccoli help in weight management?

Answer: Yes, broccoli can be a valuable extra for weight management diet due to its low calories and high fiber content. Fiber present in broccoli helps to promote satiety and reduce overall calorie intake, making it easier to maintain a healthy weight when consuming as part of a balanced diet. Calories in raw broccoli in 100g is 34 cal.

Q: What are the main nutritional differences between raw and cooked broccoli?

Answer: Raw broccoli typically contains vitamin C content higher, while cooked broccoli can have vitamin K and folate more accessible. Cooking can also increase the amount of fiber slightly and bio-availability of some antioxidants can increase.

Q: How many calories does 100 grams of raw broccoli have?

Answer: 100 grams of raw broccoli contains about 34 calories.

Q: What are some easy ways to include more broccoli in your diet?

Answer: You can include raw broccoli in salads and smoothies, include it in stir-fry, fry it as a side dish, make puree in soup, mix with pasta or enjoy it as a healthy breakfast with your favourite dip.

Q: Does eating broccoli regularly have any health benefits?

Answer: Yes, regular intake of broccoli can promote immune system, support bones health, assist digestion, protect cancer, promote cardiovascular health, assist weight management and improve eye health.

Q: Is raw broccoli better than cooked broccoli?

Answer: Both raw and cooked broccoli have their own advantages. Raw broccoli contains more vitamin C and some antioxidants, while cooked broccoli can have higher levels of vitamin K, folate and fiber. Including both forms in your diet can lead to a balanced intake of nutrients.

Q: What Does 100g of Broccoli Look Like?

Answer: When you measure out 100 grams of broccoli, it typically equals about one medium stalk or a small bowl of florets. This visual reference helps you understand portion sizes better.

Q: How Many Calories in Broccoli per 100g?

Answer: Whether you’re consuming broccoli raw, cooked, or boiled, the caloric content remains consistently low. On average, you can expect around 34-35 calories per 100g of broccoli. This makes it an excellent addition to any meal plan focused on weight management and overall health.

Q: How Much Protein in 100g Broccoli?

Answer: Broccoli provides a moderate amount of protein. A 100g serving of raw broccoli contains about 2.8g of protein, while cooked broccoli has approximately 2.4g. Including broccoli in your diet can help you meet your daily protein requirements, especially when paired with other protein-rich foods..

Q: What are the 100g broccoli nutrition facts?

Answer: In 100g of broccoli, you’ll find approximately 34 calories, 2.8g of protein, 0.4g of fat, 6.6g of carbohydrates, and 2.6g of fiber. Broccoli is rich in vitamins C and K.

Q: How many calories are in 100 grams of broccoli?

Answer: 100 grams of raw broccoli contains about 34 calories. If it’s cooked, the calorie count is approximately the same, at around 35 calories per 100 grams.

Q: What are the cooked broccoli nutrition facts for 100g?

Answer: Cooked broccoli (100g) has around 35 calories, 2.4g of protein, 0.4g of fat, 7.2g of carbohydrates, and 3.3g of fiber. Cooking broccoli slightly alters its nutritional profile.

Q: What are the raw broccoli nutrition facts for 100g?

Answer: Raw broccoli (100g) contains about 34 calories, 2.8g of protein, 0.4g of fat, 6.6g of carbohydrates, and 2.6g of fiber. It’s a nutrient-dense vegetable high in vitamins and minerals.

Q: How many calories are in 100g of boiled broccoli?

Answer: Boiled broccoli has approximately 35 calories per 100 grams. The boiling process doesn’t significantly change the calorie content but may affect some vitamin levels.

Q: How much protein is in 100g of broccoli?

Answer: There are about 2.8 grams of protein in 100 grams of raw broccoli and slightly less in cooked broccoli at 2.4 grams.

Q: How much fiber is in 100 grams of broccoli?

Answer: 100 grams of raw broccoli contains about 2.6 grams of fiber. When cooked, the fiber content increases slightly to 3.3 grams per 100 grams.

Q: What are the calories in 100 grams of broccoli?

Answer: 100 grams of broccoli generally has about 34 calories. This value remains almost unchanged whether the broccoli is raw or cooked.

Q: How many calories are in 100 grams of raw broccoli?

Answer: Raw broccoli contains approximately 34 calories per 100 grams.

Q: What are the 100 grams of boiled broccoli calories?

Answer: Boiled broccoli contains about 35 calories per 100 grams, a slight increase from raw broccoli due to water loss during cooking.

Q: How many calories are in broccoli per 100g?

Answer: Broccoli contains about 34 calories per 100 grams when raw and about 35 calories when cooked.

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