Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan






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Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan

Best push up for upper chest: Finding effective exercises to target the upper chest can be a challenge. Many people focus on standard push-ups, which mainly incorporate the middle and lower back of the chest. As a result, the upper chest is often underdeveloped, thereby reducing the unbalanced body and potential strength.

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You must have noticed that despite doing countless push-ups, your upper chest remains less defined and weak than other parts. This imbalance can affect performance in your overall strength, beauty & various physical activities. Additionally, without a focused push-up exercise plan, you can waste time and effort on movements that don’t give the desired results. It can be disappointing and discouraging, making it difficult to stick to your fitness routine.


To solve this problem, it’s important to include specific push-up variations targeting the upper chest. This blog will explore the best push-ups for upper chest development, making sure you have a comprehensive push-up exercise plan to follow. By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge and routine necessary to create a well-rounded, strong upper chest.

Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan
Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan

Before diving into specific exercises, it is necessary to understand the anatomy of the chest muscle. Chest or pectoral muscles have two main parts:

1. Pectoralis Major: This is a big part of the chest muscle, divided into three sections:

  • Clavicular head (upper chest)
  • Sternal head (middle chest)
  • belly head (lower chest)

2. Pectoralis Minor: This is a small muscle located under the pectoralis Major, which plays a role in shoulder stability and speed.

To effectively target the upper chest, we need to focus on exercises that incorporate the clavicular head of the Pectoralis Major.

1. Incline Push-up

Why it works: Incline push-up is one of the most effective variations to target the upper chest. By lifting your hands up on a stable surface, you insist on a clavicular head.

How to:

  • Get a stable surface such as a bench, step, or strong chair.
  • Put your hands at a distance equal to the shoulder width on the high surface.
  • Take a plank position keeping your body in a straight line from head to heel.
  • Down your chest towards the surface, keep your elbow at a 45-degree angle.
  • Push up back to the starting position.

Tip: The more tilt, the more loud on the upper chest. Adjust the height according to your fitness level.

2. Pike Push-up

Why it is effective: pike push-ups not only target shoulders but also activate the upper chest due to the body’s angle.

How to:
Start your hands by separating shoulder width and picking the hips towards the ceiling and into the downward dog position.

  • Your body should be in the inverted V shape.
  • Turn your elbow and down your head towards the ground.
  • Push your palms to return to the starting position.

Suggestion: Keep your core active and avoid turning your back to activate the upper chest max.

3. Decline Push-up

Why it is effective: decline push-ups are made up of your legs, which puts more pressure on the upper chest and shoulders.

How to:
Put your feet on a high surface like a bench or step.

  • Put your hands on the ground, separated from the shoulder width & come into a push-up position.
  • Put your elbow down to the ground while keeping your elbow at a 45-degree angle.
  • Get back to the initial situation.

Suggest: Make sure your core is tight so that your hips don’t lose and remain the right size.

4. Archer push-up

Why it is effective: Archer push-ups have to keep hands wide, making it more vigorous on the upper chest and individual pectoral muscles.

How to:
Start in the standard push-up position by the width of your hands over the shoulder.
Down your body towards one hand, while spreading the opposite hand towards the right armpit.

  • Return to the starting position and repeat from the other side.

Suggestion: Move slowly and controlled way to avoid muscle max activation and injury.

5. Explosive push-up

Why it is effective: Explosive push-ups increase muscle activation at a fast pace, target the upper chest & improve overall strength.

How to:

  • Take a standard push-up position.
  • Down your body towards the ground.
  • Push your body out of the explosive way with your hands to lift above the ground.
  • Get off slowly and go into the next push-up immediately.

Suggestion: pay attention to controlled landing to reduce injury risk and increase muscle activation.

To create a well-rounded upper chest, stability & proper progress are important. There is a sample daily push-up routine incorporating the variety here


5-10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jack)
Dynamic stretch focusing on the shoulders and chest

  • Incline push-up – 3 sets of 12-15 raps
  • Pike Push-up – 3 sets of 10-12 raps
  • Decline Push-up – 3 sets of 8-10 raps
  • Archer Push-up – 3 sets of 6-8 reps per side
  • Explosive push-up – 3 sets of 5-8 raps
Cool Down:

Stable stretching for chest, shoulders & triceps

A structured push-up exercise plan can help you track progress and ensure balanced development. Here’s a weekly plan that gradually increases in intensity:

Week 1:

  • Day 1: Incline push-ups, Pike push-ups, light stretching
  • Day 2: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 3: Decline push-ups, Archer push-ups, light stretching
  • Day 4: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 5: Incline push-ups, Explosive push-ups, light stretching
  • Day 6: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 2:

  • Day 1: Incline push-ups, Pike push-ups, Decline push-ups
  • Day 2: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 3: Archer push-ups, Explosive push-ups, light stretching
  • Day 4: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 5: Incline push-ups, Pike push-ups, Decline push-ups
  • Day 6: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 3:

  • Day 1: Incline push-ups, Pike push-ups, Decline push-ups, Archer push-ups
  • Day 2: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 3: Archer push-ups, Explosive push-ups, light stretching
  • Day 4: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 5: Decline push-ups, Archer push-ups, Explosive push-ups
  • Day 6: Rest or light cardio
  • Day 7: Rest

Week 4 and after:

Continue to increase the intensity and volume by adding more sets and raps or integrating other upper chest exercises such as Chest Fly or Incline Bench Press.

  • Stability is important: Stick to your daily push-up routine to see the best results. Stability ensures the adaptation and growth of muscle.
  • Progress slowly: Start with multiple raps and sets that challenge you but are manageable. Increase intensity slowly to avoid plateaus.
  • Note the form: The proper form is important to maximize muscle activation and prevent injury. Keep your body in a straight line, keep your core active & control your movements.
  • Relaxation and Recovery: Give your muscles a resting day to fix and grow. Overtraining can cause fatigue and injury.
  • Combine with other exercises: While push-ups are effective, combining them with other upper chest exercises can lead to a balanced development.
  • Improper condition of hands: Having your hands too wide or too narrow can reduce the effectiveness of exercise and increase the risk of injury. Make sure your hands are equal to the width of your shoulder for most of the variations.
  • Loose hip: Maintain a straight line from your head to heel to keep your core active and avoid unnecessary stress on your lower back.
  • Quickly in repetition: Doing push-ups very quickly can reduce muscle activation. Pay attention to controlled movements for maximum profit.
  • Disregarding warm-up and cool-down: leaving warm-up and cool-down can cause muscle strut and increase the risk of injury. Always join them in your routine.
  • Identifying the pain: If you feel pain (don’t be confused with discomfort), stop and evaluate your form again or take a break. Ahead of pain can hurt.

Targeted exercise and a structured push-up exercise plan are needed to create a well-defined upper chest. By including various such as incline push-ups, pike push-ups, decline push-ups, archer push-ups & explosive push-ups, you can effectively attach the head of the Pectoralis Major. Continuity, proper form & gradual progress are important to see results.

Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan
Best Push Up For Upper Chest | Push Up Exercise Plan

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FAQ on Good push up exercises | Push up exercise plan

What are the best push-ups to target the upper chest?

To effectively target the upper chest, you need to focus on push-up variations that attach the clavicular head of the pectoralis major. The best push-ups for this purpose include:

  • Incline push-up: By lifting your hands, you insist on the upper chest.
  • Pike Push-up: In this exercise, the body’s angle attaches to the upper chest and shoulders.
  • Decline push-up: lift the legs up, and the upper chest and shoulders join more.
  • Archer push-up: Keeping hands wide is more active than the upper chest.
  • Explosive push-up: Running fast pace increases muscle activation in the upper chest.
How does the incline push-up help in the upper chest building?

Incline push-ups focus on the upper chest by changing the body’s angle. When your hands are lifted to the stable surface, the emphasis goes to the upper part of the middle and lower chest. This makes the incline push-up one of the most effective variations for the development of the upper chest.

How to:

Put your hands on a high surface on the shoulder width.
Take a plank position while keeping your body in a straight line.
Down your chest towards the surface, then push back upwards.

What is the reasonable form for a Pike Push-up?

Pike push-ups target the upper chest and shoulders due to the inverse V shape of the body. Proper form is important to maximise the gains and prevent injury.

How to:

  • Start in the Downward Dog Position.
  • Turning your elbow and down your head towards the ground.
  • Get back to the starting position by pushing your palms.
How can a decline push-up benefit my upper chest?

Decline push-ups include lifting your legs, which increases the load on the upper chest and shoulders. This diversity is excellent for building the upper chest strength and size.

How to:

  • Hold your hands on the ground and get push-up status.
  • Down your body towards the ground and then push back upwards.
Why are archer push-up exercises good for the upper chest?

Archer push-ups are beneficial because they allow upper chest muscles to activate more. The wide condition of the hands ensures that each part of the chest works freely, thereby promoting balanced development.

How to:

  • Start in a standard push-up position with wide hands over the shoulder width.
  • Down your body towards one hand and spread the opposite hand outward.
  • Push back upwards and repeat with another side.
How do explosive push-ups target the upper chest?

Explosive push-ups increase muscle activation at faster push-ups, which activate the upper chest more intensively than standard push-ups.

How to:

  • Come into a standard push-up position.
  • Down your body towards the ground.
  • Push your body out of the explosive way with your hands to lift above the ground.
  • Slowly get off the ground and go to the next push-up immediately.
How should the daily push-up routine be for the upper chest?

A daily push-up routine should include various push-up variations to ensure wider upper chest development. Here’s a sample routine:


  • 5-10 minutes of light cardio (jogging, jumping jack)
  • Dynamic stretch focusing on the shoulders and chest


  • Incline Push-up – 3 sets of 12-15 raps
  • Pike Push-up – 3 sets of 10-12 raps
  • Decline Push-up – 3 sets of 8-10 raps
  • Archer Push-up – 3 sets of 6-8 reps per side
  • Explosive push-up – 3 sets of 5-8 raps

Cool Down:

  • Stable stretching for chest, shoulders & triceps
How often should I push up to see results in my upper chest?

For the best results, aim to do your push-up routine 3-4 times per week. Make sure you have rest days in between to give your muscles a chance to fix and grow. Continuation is important, so stay tight on your routine and increase intensity as you get stronger.

Can I push up every day?

Although it’s possible to push up every day, it’s important to hear your body’s voice. If you feel tired or have pain in the muscles, consider resting for a day to fix it. Over-training can hurt and progress can hinder. A balanced approach with enough comfort for a long time is important.

How do I know my form is correct?

A reasonable form is necessary to maximise the benefits of push-ups and prevent injury. Some suggestions are given to make sure your form is correct:

  • Keep your body in a straight line from head to heel.
  • Keep your core active during the entire movement.
  • Keep your elbow at an angle of 45 degrees from your body.
  • Put your chest down slightly above the ground or the surface.
  • Get back to the starting position by pushing with your palms.

If you’re unsure about your form, consider recording yourself or taking feedback from a fitness professional.

What common mistakes should be avoided when push-up for the upper chest?

Avoid these common mistakes to ensure effective and safe push-ups:

  • Improper condition of hands: Hands being too wide or very narrow can reduce effectiveness and weight gain.

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